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Writer's pictureAsk Desiree

Cataracts and Arthritis Are The Same Thing

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

“…. the doctor was literally bragging about my husband to his nurse today saying “this guy was amazing last week … he was such a trooper with the amount of laser he let me do on his eye.  I’ve never had anyone endure so much laser for so long.”   Due to him tolerating it that well, the doctor was hopefully able to repair the massive tear in his retinal wall without doing real surgery.

Thank you for getting him sorted out and drinking his CalMag-C just at the right time!”  

Donna B, Tennessee


The reason the CalMag-C helped his procedure is that calcium gluconate is the best painkiller available.

Calcium plays so many roles in our bodies that it is almost impossible to list them all.

Cataracts and Arthritis

For example, did you know that cataracts and arthritis are the same thing? They are both depository diseases. The only difference is where they appear.

In your eyes, it’s called cataracts. In your joints it’s called arthritis.

A lack of calcium allows cataracts to form! Cataracts are pretty common when we get older as calcium deficiencies increase. Calcium appears to be necessary before vitamin C can function effectively and vice versa, calcium needs vitamin C in order to be effective.

The lack of calcium necessary to help vitamin C to form normal cartilage around the joints appears to be a major cause of the disease. In addition, the vitamin C helps bring the calcium into the proper pH range so the body can absorb and use it.

Many people avoid calcium when they have these depository problems because they think it is due to having too much calcium. Calcium is the culprit – but not because you have too much but because you have too little or it’s not being absorbed.

In the same way that those suffering heartburn or reflux take antacids to resolve the problem when the problem is actually that they have a deficiency of acid, so people don’t take calcium when they have arthritic problems, believing it to be the problem. It is the problem – but it’s a deficiency problem.

Calcium must be balanced with magnesium

Calcium also needs magnesium to work properly and these two minerals must be correctly balanced. In order for your body to use calcium efficiently, it needs to be in a 2:1 ratio with magnesium and another vitally important factor is the pH. It is important that the pH is correct and that this is done with either apple cider vinegar or vitamin C. Failing to have the correct pH can result in calcium depositing where you don’t want it to such as in kidneys, joints, eyes, etc.

This is a vital subject

Calcium and magnesium are two of the most basic nutrients a person needs and a keystone for a good health program.

Don’t leave your calcium and magnesium supplement to chance. Get the correct data and you may unexpectedly resolve health issues you wouldn’t have related to the deficiency of calcium and magnesium.

These two minerals are responsible for more than 300 chemical reactions in the body so imagine what kind of symptoms you could experience because of deficiencies. Anything from mild discomfort to severe pain and even heart failure.

Instant CalMag-C

This is why we made Instant CalMag-C the way we did. It is a 2:1 calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate combination with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can absorb and use it.

Read our testimonials to see what successes Instant CalMag-C users have using it.

In addition to the vitamin C, calcium needs more help in order to be used by the body. This data is unknown by most people and yet it is vital for full understanding of how these nutrients work. Click here to read about them.

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