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Cause of Bloating and Gas – and How to Handle

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

“…Faulty digestion is usually the result of inadequate B vitamins.”

It’s actually as simple as that. But, how can you tell if it is a B vitamin deficiency and not something else? That, too, is simple. In her book, Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit, Adelle Davis provides a simple tool for checking by an inspection of your tongue.

“Studies indicate that 60 – 100% of the persons showing severe tongue changes are unable to produce sufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid in their stomachs”. You read this right. It’s low stomach acid that is the culprit.

”…their output of digestive enzymes is far below normal. In such cases, digestion is so faulty that unless tablets of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes are taken temporarily, much gas, flatulence, digestive disturbances and discomfort may be experienced. In fact, if your digestion is so faulty that you have intestinal gas after you add foods rich in the B vitamins to your diet, you can be sure you have been deficient in these vitamins.”

“All the B vitamins dissolve in water and for this reason cannot be stored in the body. Just as a sponge can be slightly moist or dripping wet, however, so can the cells hold little or much of each B vitamin, depending on the amount offered. To maintain ideal health, the offering of the B vitamins should be sufficient for each cell to take all it can use to advantage. Any B vitamins not needed are excreted in the urine.”

“It appears that all B vitamins work together; this co-operation is called the synergistic action of the B vitamins. The taking of one or more B vitamins increases the need for the others not supplied, probably because any one B vitamin alone can increase the activity of each body cell. The group in its entirety can be obtained only from such foods as liver, yeast, and wheat germ.”

Brewer’s yeast is the best source of the B vitamins.

“In fact, more nutrients are more concentrated in yeast than in any other known food. The use of yeast alone could correct the majority of the world’s nutritional problems: the proteinless meals of China and India; the B-vitamin needs in the Orient and the tropics; the iron starvation of women the world over; and the trace-mineral deficiencies of both sexes of all ages of every nationality.:

“Yeast contains almost no fat, starch, or sugar; its excellent protein sticks to your ribs, satisfies the appetite, increases your basal metabolism, and gives you pep to work off unwanted pounds. If any food could be said to be “reducing”, yeast is that food.”

“Powdered yeast is preferable to flaked yeast which usually has a lower vitamin content, weight for weight. Moreover, 1 tablespoon of powdered yeast is the equivalent of 5 to 9 tablespoons of the light flaked. Yeast tablets are quite all right; 90 tablets are equivalent in mineral, protein, and vitamin content to 1 heaping tablespoon of powdered yeast. (Note: Uncooked bakers’ yeast grows in the intestine, grabs the B vitamins supplied by other foods, and refuses to give them up; it is dangerous to take. Please be sure you don’t as this article is referring to Brewer’s Yeast.)

“Just as you may not have enjoyed your first taste of coffee, you may not enjoy your introduction to yeast. The best way for a beginner to take it is to add no more than 1 teaspoon to a large glass of fruit juice; increase the amount very gradually as you become accustomed to it.

Some taste so bad that no human being should be expected to swallow them. If you dislike the yeast you have, feed it to the cat and/or dog, and buy a different brand. Some varieties, to one who is used to yeast at least, are quite palatable. (Editor: my personal recommendation is the Lewis Lab’s brand of nutritional yeast, which we sell as well.)

“One reason for taking yeast in small amounts at first is that, in case your digestion is faulty, yeast may blow you up like a zeppelin. Since faulty digestion is usually the result of inadequate B vitamins, the more gas you get from yeast, the more deficient you can know that you are in the B vitamins, and the more you need the yeast.”

“You might eat sugar by the cup and get no gas because it cannot support the growth of bacteria. Yeast is an excellent food, however; hence bacteria thrive on it. If you lack hydrochloric acid in your stomach or produce too few digestive enzymes, much of the yeast remains undigested, and your intestinal bacteria have a feast; they form the gas. The healthy person digests the yeast completely and has no gas or feeling of fullness from taking it.” (taken from Adelle Davis’ “Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit”)

So, to summarize, be sure to start on a very low gradient and if you do get any of the reactions described above, cut back the dosage – even to half a teaspoon – and add in digestive enzymes until the vitamin B deficiency starts to become less.  As soon as you’re comfortable taking the small dose, increase it slightly and if you’re okay with that, increase it even more. Brewer’s Yeast is an excellent food and is okay for all ages.

Don’t forget, any of the bad reactions mean you are very deficient. Look out for other articles on B vitamins and why they are so important. When taking yeast, make sure you’re getting adequate calcium to balance up with the phosphorus content of yeast.

For more information, please feel free to e-mail me at

The best way to get your calcium is with Instant CalMag-C. Here’s why.

Instant CalMag-C

Calcium Needs Magnesium: In order for your body to absorb calcium, it needs to be accompanied by its partner, magnesium, in a balanced ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium.

Calcium and Magnesium Need Vitamin C: As both calcium and magnesium are alkaline, they need some kind of acid to adjust the pH so they can be absorbed. Failing to have this combination can lead to increased deficiencies of calcium and/or magnesium or the calcium depositing in joints (arthritis) or kidneys (stones). You can use apple cider vinegar but vitamin C is usually a more practical and better-tasting solution.

Why Our Instant CalMag-C Works: Unlike tablets and capsules that sometimes don’t break down properly or are not correctly formulated, Instant CalMag-C has been formulated in a 2:1 blend of calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can actually absorb the calcium and magnesium. This is very important.

Calcium Needs Vitamins A & D

We have not added vitamins D or F to our Instant CalMag-C as they are both oil soluble vitamins whereas calcium and magnesium are water soluble and it’s not a good idea to mix them. They are very important and should be in your daily diet.

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