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Diabetes: The Importance of Magnesium

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Perhaps a cause has been found. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, makes it possible for sugar (glucose) to enter the cells to be converted into energy or, if not needed immediately, to be changed into glycogen (body starch) or fat; and insulin is also necessary before stored fat can be used. In diabetes the insulin supply becomes inadequate, presumably the result of a damaged pancreas.

“When too little vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is obtained, an essential amino acid from complete proteins, tryptophane, is not used normally; instead it is changed into a substance known as xanthurenic acid. If animals are deficient in vitamin B6, xanthurenic acid in the blood becomes so high that it damages the pancreas within 48 hours and diabetes is produced. “The blood sugar rises far above normal, and excessive sugar (glucose) spills into the urine. The longer animals are kept on a vitamin-B6-deficient diet, the more extensive is the destruction of pancreatic tissue. Injecting animals with xanthurenic acid also causes the pancreas to be so severely damaged that diabetes develops; again the blood sugar soars and urinary loss of sugar is heavy.

“As soon as vitamin B6 is supplied, the amount of xanthurenic acid decreases; when the pancreas has not been seriously harmed, health is restored and all diabetic symptoms disappear. If the vitamin is not given, the condition grows steadily worse until the animal dies.

“Magnesium decreases the need for vitamin B6; and if it is increased in the diet, the amount of xanthurenic acid is reduced even though no vitamin B6 is allowed. Furthermore, magnesium is necessary to activate enzymes containing vitamin B6; and blood magnesium is particularly low in diabetics.

“Diabetes, therefore, may prove to be caused by the combined deficiencies of this vitamin and mineral.”

“Saturated fats increase the need for magnesium and vitamin B6; hence deficient rats given a high-fat diet excreted many times more xanthurenic acid than animals fed oils or little fat.

“They also became grossly obese, and the urinary loss of sugar and destruction of the pancreas paralleled their gain in weight.”

The Relationship Between Magnesium and Insulin

In summary, insulin cannot be secreted properly from the pancreas without magnesium!

It is needed for the production, function and transport of insulin. If you’re deficient in magnesium, the sugar that does manage to get into your bloodstream doesn’t work properly. Magnesium is a vital co-factor needed to produce energy from the sugar store in the muscles and liver. It has to open the pathways into the cell so the blood sugar can enter. If it’s low, the sugar remains in the bloodstream and as the sugar levels rise so the diabetic symptoms appear.

Basically, the sugar backs up and the cells that need it don’t get it.

A common symptom of diabetes is increased urination, with increased magnesium levels in the urine of diabetics. That means that more and more losses of magnesium, which results in more symptoms. A vicious cycle.

Improved Insulin Production

Watch for insulin reactions: When natural insulin production is stimulated, the effect is the same as if the insulin dosage were increased. In case you improve your diet, you must be constantly alert in watching for the first symptoms of insulin shock. Carry cube sugar or small candies and possibly 1-gram tablets of potassium chloride at all times when fresh fruit is not to hand. Keeping fruit juice beside the bed and sipping a little whenever you awake can prevent insulin reaction during the night.

“How quickly natural insulin production can be stimulated varies with individuals. …In 1955 I was consulted by a 53-year-old woman who had taken insulin for eight years and who had angina, high blood pressure, considerable leg distress, and “was a-achin’ and a-painin’ all over.” With her physician’s permission, I suggested that she use oils instead of saturated fats, have small, frequent meals, a quart of fortified milk similar to pep-up (this is much like the Concoction I recommend) daily and generous supplements of all vitamins. Symptoms of low blood sugar occurred almost immediately and were so persistent that her insulin was discontinued after ten days, when she “felt absolutely marvellous”. Her blood pressure decreased, and the angina and leg distress disappeared. A letter dated January 14, 1965 states, “I have never had a recurrence of diabetes or heart disease since.”

With kind acknowledgement to Adelle Davis. Exerpted from her book “Let’s Get Well”.

There is more data on this subject so please feel free to write and ask for it:

Magnesium And Calcium Should Be Balanced

Magnesium should be in balance with calcium. These two minerals work together and should be taken with an appropriate acid such as apple cider vinegar or vitamin C, which is more palatable for most.

Click here to order Instant CalMag-C

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