Why You Need Calcium and Magnesium
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. It is responsible for so many of your body’s functions. In order for your body to use calcium, it needs magnesium in a certain ratio to do so. It also needs to have the correct pH.
The things that most people know about calcium is that it is essential for the development of strong bones and teeth and to minimize bone loss or porosity (osteoporosis etc).
Not only is it important for this but it is also a key component of collagen. Collagen is the “cement” in your body that holds your cells together. Collagen is a protein and the most abundant protein in your body – and animals. It is the main protein in your connective tissue, which connects and supports all the tissues of your body: skin, bone, tendons, muscles, cartilage and your internal organs.
It is found inside and outside your cells. It works hand in hand with elastin to support your body’s tissues. This combination of collagen is very important in your body, especially for your lungs, blood vessels and the list in the previous paragraph.
It is also important for your skin. As people age, collagen degeneration can occur leading to wrinkles. If it is showing visible effects on your skin, then you can be sure it is also occurring under your skin in your bones, tendons, muscles, organs, etc.
Nerve Function
Calcium is also vital for nerve and muscle function. Your nervous system starts in your brain and is protected by your skull. Nerve transmission can be compared to the spark plugs in your car engine. Your body needs calcium, magnesium and many other minerals to “spark” your nervous system and make it function.
Your nerves go down your spine (they’re that important that they’re protected by bone like your brain) and then branch off and lead to all the organs and glands of your body, blood vessels, right down to the tips of your toes and fingers.
They are vitally important for the functioning of your entire body. That includes digestion, sleep, hormonal function, moods, libido, on and on and on.
If there is a malfunction or blockage or a broken “circuit” in your nervous system, you can start to have all kinds of symptoms from digestive issues to pain to depression, on and on and on.
Calcium is a key part of what your nervous system needs to work properly. It’s not the only thing but this article goes over how calcium and magnesium work together.
Heart Beat
To give you an idea of how these minerals interact, think of a heartbeat. Your heart muscle must contract and then relax so it can pump blood through your body. If it didn’t contract or relax you would probably be having a heart attack or some kind of failure. I am giving you this example as it’s an easy way to understand how your muscles work.
What makes your heart and other muscles contract is calcium. What makes your heart and other muscles relax is magnesium.
This makes calcium and magnesium vitally important for your whole body for all its functions.
Why Instant CalMag-C?
Calcium and magnesium work in tandem. They need to be in a specific ratio (two parts calcium to one part magnesium) for your body to be able to aborb and use them . They also need to be in a specific pH. They don’t work in an alkaline environment as they themselves are alkaline and need to have a lower pH so your body can utilize them.
That’s why Instant CalMag-C is made from two parts calcium gluconate and one part magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to make the pH just right.
This makes it highly absorbable with no need to be digested as it’s ready for absorption immediately.