How To Have Calm and Happy Children
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
ANXIETY, HYPERACTIVE: “CalMag-C became my lifeline in a time of severe anxiety and uncertainty about my future. During this period I started using CalMag-C and can state without doubt that I probably would not have survived without it. The benefits, physically and mentally, were so amazing that I have become a sworn proponent of the product and have put a number of friends, family and employees on it, with consistently great success. “I even have my 11 and 13-year-old children on it as well. The younger one is hyperactive at times, which can put additional strain on me. This has eased. Since we have had CalMag-C in our household, my children come and ask me for it, and you couldn’t ask for a more peaceful environment.”
Sister Suzette P, Alberton
HYPERACTIVE: “I ordered this for my son who is on the hyperactive side, he is seven years old and his teacher has seen major improvement in his ability to concentrate in class, she even got the name of the product so she could tell other people, I give him a serving in juice each morning. Thanks for your great product!”
Janel C, California
What Causes Bad Behavior or Feelings
Mineral deficiencies not only prevent the nervous system from being able to function properly but many vitamins that require certain minerals to be present, also become deficient.
Mineral deficiencies (or vitamins, oils, etc) can cause such a host of symptoms that you can list almost anything anyone suffers from and find deficiencies – or excesses of things like toxins, drugs, sugar, refined carbs, etc.
Deficiencies can cause such hectic behavior that you could feel like you were in a war zone.
What is actually happening is that the person – or child – just cannot relax. The nerves are “flickering”, much like when the power is threatening to go out in your house. The feeling is unbelievably uncomfortable and, of course, if you don’t know what’s happening you can get very agitated.
As we deal mainly in calcium and magnesium, here are some of the symptoms of their deficiencies.
Calcium deficiency symptoms, also known as Hypocalcemia, include:
numbness or tingling of the fingers
muscle cramps
poor appetite
mental confusion
skeletal malformations
infants: delayed development.
osteoporosis (brittle, thin, porous bones that easily break)
PMS/menopausal problems
Calcium is known mostly for its role in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, but it is also required for proper functioning of the heart, muscles and nervous system. It plays a role in maintaining normal blood pressure, regulating blood clotting, and preventing cancers of the digestive tract, relief of mood swings, food cravings, and decreasing the pain, tenderness and bloating associated with PMS.
It therefore goes without saying that deficiencies can cause problems in any of these areas plus many more.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms include:
restless leg syndrome (RLS)
sleep disorders
nausea and vomiting
abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia)
blood pressure problems
muscle spasm and weakness
noise sensitivity
poor nail growth
seizures, plus more.
Certain medical conditions can upset the body’s magnesium balance. For example, an intestinal virus that causes vomiting or diarrhea can cause magnesium deficiencies. Some gastrointestinal diseases (such as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS and ulcerative colitis), diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone levels), kidney disease, and taking diuretics can lead to deficiencies.
Too much coffee, soda, salt, or alcohol, as well as heavy menstrual periods, excessive sweating, and prolonged stress can also lower magnesium levels.
Good Basic Habits There are other nutrients needed by us all, particularly growing children. It is a good idea to ensure they get their basic nourishment from good quality, organic foods (non-GMO) with as little processed foods as possible. In other words, real food: vegetables, meat etc. In addition, keep the sugar and refined carb intake down.
Drink water along with good quality sea salt – not refined, please. Throw that refined stuff away. Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt with water (prevents dehydration) or on food is great. It contains all the minerals. In addition, make sure everyone gets a good intake of calcium and magnesium.
Calmer Household
A well-nourished child – or baby – is calm and a real pleasure to be around. Any time there is upset or excessive activity, be assured the child is tired and/or hungry and the best solution is to ensure that they get enough rest and nourishment – as well as adequate amounts of water. The reward is a happy child who can achieve his or her goals.