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Writer's pictureAsk Desiree

Minerals: The Spark Plugs of Your Body

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Minerals are the spark plugs of your body. They are necessary for the activation of thousands of chemical reactions that need to occur in your body daily. If they are missing, there is nothing to spark the reactions needed for your body to function. They are even more important than vitamins because, without them, the enzymes can’t be activated that are needed to control all the chemical reactions that take place in your body.

Enzymes are chemical substances produced in your body – and other living organisms – that catalyze the chemical reactions needed. A catalyst is something that creates reaction or change in other things but doesn’t itself undergo any change.

There are dozens of minerals needed by your body and they must be kept in balance otherwise they will create deficiencies in other minerals and/or fail to catalyze one or more needed actions.

Here are some of them with some of their functions (the list is by no means complete):

Calcium: builds bones and teeth, helps with muscle contraction (including the heart) nerve impulses, blood clotting.

Magnesium: works with calcium to build bones, helps with digestion, blood sugar balance, transfer of inter-cellular water, alkaline balance, relaxation of muscles.

Sodium: electrolyte balance, body fluid volume, nerve impulse condition.

Potassium: nerve impulse conduction, heart rhythm, acid base balance, muscle contraction.

Phosphorus: builds bones and teeth, energy production, acid-base balance, necessary for metabolism, calcium absorption.

Consequences of Imbalances

Calcium: loss of magnesium and zinc

Sodium and Potassium: deficiencies of calcium and magnesium

Calcium and Magnesium: deficiencies of sodium and potassium

Sodium: loss of potassium

Potassium: loss of sodium

Phosphorus: loss of calcium

These are just some of the minerals your body needs and some of the consequences of imbalances, in this case excesses. Deficiencies occur because your body will pull the missing mineral out of its storage place (if you have any in storage) to balance up with the other mineral and in this way use up the reserve of the missing mineral and hopefully you have a reserve. If you don’t have a reserve, the problem gets even worse.

Why Instant CalMag-C?

Calcium Needs Magnesium: In order for your body to absorb calcium, it needs to be accompanied by its partner, magnesium, in a balanced ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium.

If you don’t have enough magnesium and you take calcium, magnesium will be drawn out of its storage places and hopefully there is enough of it there, otherwise a deficiency occurs. On the other hand, if you take magnesium and you don’t have calcium to balance up with it, it will be drawn from it’s storage places and hopefully there is enough of that. These deficiencies contribute to things like osteoporosis as well breakdown of the teeth and the nervous system.

Calcium and Magnesium Need Vitamin C: As both calcium and magnesium are alkaline, they need some kind of acid before they can be absorbed. Failing to have this combination can lead to increased deficiencies of calcium and/or magnesium or the calcium depositing in joints (arthritis) or kidneys (stones). You can use apple cider vinegar too but vitamin C is usually a more practical and better-tasting solution.

Why Our Instant CalMag-C Works: Unlike tablets and capsules that sometimes don’t break down properly, Instant CalMag-C has been formulated in a 2:1 blend of calcium gluconate* and magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can actually absorb the calcium and magnesium. This is very important. It is made with boiling water and this is very important as calcium particles are large and the chemical reaction created by dissolving the powder with boiling water breaks them down into absorb-able ones. The result is a pleasant lemony taste.

*the right form of calcium is vital in this process.

Calcium Also Needs Vitamins D & F: Most people know that vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. This is correct but the vitamin D only absorbs it into your bloodstream. What most people don’t know is that, in order to get calcium from your bloodstream into your tissues, you need vitamin F (another name for essential fatty acids). Vitamins D and F need to be in balance with each other so make sure you take a good quality fish (or cod) liver or flax oil in your daily diet. They are very important for good hormonal function too.

We have not added vitamin D or F to Instant CalMag-C as they are both oil soluble vitamins whereas calcium and magnesium are water soluble and it’s not a good idea to mix them.

Please note: We are not doctors. If you have any condition that is not resolving with simple solutions, you must get the appropriate medical help. By appropriate we don’t only mean medical advice but that that advice should come from a competent medical doctor who fully understands that the body requires nutritional support.

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