Muscle Cramps, Spasms, and Pain – What’s The Difference?
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
Among muscle cramps, spasms and pain the only difference is the severity or degree of effect, extreme pain being the most severe.
Commonly, cramps and spasms occur in the lower legs or toes but these can also occur inside the intestinal tract – a condition known as spastic colitis or spastic constipation.
Muscle irritability, at times, is a symptom of calcium deficiency that will become painful muscle cramps or spasms if not handled or mismanaged. In extreme cases where the blood calcium level drops too low, a calcium deficiency can cause debilitating convulsions.
Cramps or spasms of the uterus starting ten days prior to a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle often escalate just prior to the menses onset. During adolescent years, when the normal demand for calcium by the growing body is escalated, this condition can be aggravated. In fact, teenagers of both genders go through “growing pains” associated with temporary calcium deficiency. Even infants can experience cramps or spasms – called colic.
Elevated muscle spasms or cramps can cause varying degrees of pain, including temporary headaches and the more severe variety, migraine headaches.
The Right Way to Handle Muscle Cramps, Spasms and Pain
People find in many cases that a remedy of the lack of calcium (and magnesium) often ceases their muscle cramping or alleviates their pain. As a result, more people are learning to avoid drugs as a solution to the problem.
Calcium needs its partner mineral, magnesium. A balanced ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium is optimum for muscle function maintenance. Contractions are engineered by calcium, and muscle relaxation is brought on by magnesium. In turn, calcium and magnesium both need the presence of an acid, such as Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) or apple cider vinegar, to improve their absorption and to help avoid increased mineral deficiency problems, like unwelcome calcium deposits in joints (arthritis) and kidneys (stones). Vitamin C is the more practical, better-tasting solution of the two choices.
Vitamin D also helps calcium get assimilated into the bloodstream, but in order to assimilate calcium from the bloodstream into tissue and cells vitamin F (essential fatty acids) factors are essential. Vitamins D and F also require a balanced ratio with each other.
Controlling cramps, spasms and pain by ingesting daily doses of calcium, magnesium and vitamins C, D and F by way of natural foods or supplements can be a certain path toward a healthier lifestyle and to a lessening of unwanted events like muscle and intestinal cramps, spasms and pain.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is for educational purposes only. We are not doctors. We do not diagnose or prescribe for body ailments, illnesses or non-optimum physical conditions. We recommend that you consult with your regular medical or chiropractic practitioner regarding any ailments you may have.
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