Do You Understand Diabetes and How it is Created?
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
One of those modern diseases that evades full understanding, more and more people are falling victim to is diabetes. What is missing in most people – diabetics and almost everyone else – is understanding of the condition and how it comes about.
When anyone is diagnosed as pre-diabetic or diabetic, they are most often warned about their sugar and refined carbohydrate intake (refined carbs turn into sugar too) but this is only a part of the problem.
Here’s a basic outline of what happens.
Your adrenals produce cortisol whenever you are stressed – mentally or physically. They’re your “fight or flight” glands that produce this hormone called cortisol.
Cortisol is also an anti-inflammatory so, if you’re producing cortisol, there’s inflammation. When there’s inflammation, that’s stress on your body and the adrenal glands do their job of producing cortisol. This is good.
The problem comes in when there’s underlying inflammation going on constantly in your body. This inflammation can be caused by stressors such as viruses, bacteria, metals, chemicals, yeast, candida, food sensitivities – you name it, so many things can cause inflammation – even a spine out of whack.
Cortisol is a hormone. Hormones are the chemical messengers of your body. If you have inflammation, under ideal conditions, the adrenals send out the cortisol to your cells. On each and every cell, there are “docking sites” called receptors. This is where the cells can receive the message, carry out the command “decrease inflammation” and send a message back to the adrenals “job done”.
If those receptor sites are blocked due to toxins (such as caused by the stressors mentioned earlier), the cortisol can’t get into the receptor sites and so the communication gets lost.
Because there’s no reply coming from the cell, the adrenals keep pumping out cortisol (hormone = chemical messenger) to deal with the inflammation, which never gets received or acknowledged so the adrenals keep sending out the cortisol.
Much like mailing a letter to the correct recipient and it just never gets there so you mail another one and another one and another one, but they never arrive and so on.
When this frantic attempt at getting the message to the cell to decrease inflammation continues on and on and on without any response, the cortisol begins to store fat around the vital organs of your body in an attempt to “provide future energy to protect the organs” because there is perceived danger to them.
However, this creates a danger for those organs too and can lead to other more serious disease such as liver, heart, pancreas problems. This is why people start to get a spare tire around their middle. It’s one of cortisol’s jobs, to store fat “just in case”.
Many people try dozens of diets to lose weight and may or may not lose the weight but it invariably returns. That’s because the source of the problem has not been addressed, which could simply be the overproduction of cortisol due to unresolved inflammation.
Hormonal Imbalances
When the cortisol keeps pumping out to handle the constant inflammation, this does not allow for other hormones to “kick in” such as your sleep and sex hormones (melatonin, serotonin and DHEA – precursor to testosterone and estrogen).
You can call this a hormone or chemical imbalance – take your pick.
In most cases, the symptoms are treated or you’re told you have a chemical imbalance and you’re given some sort of a drug. Problem is that is not addressing the source of the problem and, in fact, worsens things because taking synthetic things will worsen the imbalance as the receptor sites get blocked with more and more garbage, making it more and more impossible for the chemical messengers to get into the cells through the receptor sites.
This then leads to weight issues, energy problems, sleep problems, mood swings, hot flashes, lowered sex drive, depression, night sweats, etc, etc.
What has this to do with diabetes?
When the adrenals are frantically producing all this cortisol, some gets stored as fat (future energy) while the muscles in your buttocks, legs and arms start to break down into sugar to supply desperately needed energy (sugar). That’s why you lose the tone in those muscles.
With the increase in sugar, your pancreas has to pump out more and more insulin to control the excess sugar and so that vicious cycle starts and can end up in you becoming pre-diabetic or, worse still, diabetic.
When your adrenals are so whacked out that they are “spinning their wheels”, you are headed for the cliff edge.
Guess what people with stressed out adrenals crave? That’s right. Sugar, caffeine, refined carbohydrates – and salty things too, by the way. (Your adrenals are responsible for the balance of minerals and salt deficiency is rife nowadays – and I’m not talking about refined, poisonous table salt here. I’m referring to salt that has all its minerals and good stuff intact.)
Blood Pressure
Your adrenals are also responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the blood vessels to your heart. If they’re whacked out, you could end up with blood pressure and other health problems.
Your adrenals are also responsible for balancing up the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium and salt (not common table salt, please).
A simple way to de-stress is to make sure you’re getting these minerals daily but also getting with a good healthcare professional who can help determine what is CAUSING your problems.
I need to add a word of warning here though. Taking meds or supplements willy nilly can worsen the situation as the adrenals are already taking strain and if you’re not getting the correct solution to the problem, it will add more strain.
I am working with a couple of holistic professionals who get right down to the bottom of the problem. In other words, find out, with very specific, very detailed lab tests, why your adrenals are taking such strain and then help you to rebuild your body with the correct things that your body needs.
Everyone’s body is different so no two people will have the same program. Your body can repair itself with the right help. So, even if you’re already diabetic, you can restore your body and create good health again.
Something can be done about it. That’s the good news.
What Has Magnesium Got to do With Diabetes?
Well, magnesium helps regulate your blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure and is involved in your energy metabolism and protein synthesis.
Ever feel like you’re just plain lacking energy? If your body isn’t metabolizing or using protein properly, you can feel pretty low in energy.
Magnesium’s role in preventing and managing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes is vital for your good health.
Magnesium helps insulin to be secreted, while also helping maintain cellular sensitivity to insulin. Thus, long term magnesium deficiency may be to blame for both insulin deficient and insulin resistant diabetes.
Magnesium helps with hypoglycemia by stabilizing the rise and fall of blood sugar.
Why Instant CalMag-C?
Calcium and magnesium work in tandem. They need to be in a specific ratio (two parts calcium to one part magnesium) for your body to aborb them and they need to be in a specific pH. They don’t work in an alkaline environment as they themselves are alkaline and need to have a lower pH so your body can utilize them.
That’s why Instant CalMag-C is made from two parts calcium gluconate and one part magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to make the pH just right.
Please contact us if you need more information.