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Writer's pictureAsk Desiree

Why Your Body Needs Calcium and Magnesium

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Why Calcium and Magnesium?

Your body needs a lot of calcium because:

  1. your bones consist mainly of calcium.

  2. one third of your body protein, by weight, consists of collagen (a jelly-like substance) that has vitamin C as its most important ingredient. This jelly is dependent on sufficient calcium to set. These two ingredients are mainly responsible for the firmness of your tissue.

  3. calcium is vital in any healing process.

  4. a shortage of calcium results in nervous tension and irritability and is probably the main contributor to the widespread use of tranquilizers.

  5. calcium is a key ingredient for normal sleep.

  6. cells need calcium to resist infection-related intrusions.

  7. sufficient calcium in your blood will help alleviate pain (calcium injections are sometimes used for excruciating pain).

However, calcium is difficult to absorb because:

  1. it has large molecules.

  2. it needs other minerals, mainly magnesium to work.

  3. calcium is alkaline and needs acid to dissolve .

  4. the right pH-balance* is needed for calcium to be absorbed.

Until about 30 years ago, it was believed that people’s bones naturally grew more porous with age. That was an incorrect assumption. Blood calcium stays fairly constant throughout life because your body will withdraw it from your bones when needed. Excess calcium is not a problem as your body stores it in your bones but if your blood has a shortage, it will just be withdrawn from your bones, which will eventually make them porous. If you get enough calcium from your diet – and it is absorbed – your bones won’t get robbed.

Calcium deficiencies:

  1. are the major contributing culprit in pre-menstrual tension.

  2. are a primary factor in mood swings before and during menstruation.

  3. are a major source of dental problems.

  4. are most marked in people over 40, especially women, particularly those who have had children.

  5. can cause arthritis from calcium deposits at your joints. This happens when calcium is withdrawn from your bones to meet shortages in your your blood.

  6. are a prime cause of muscle cramps, spasms and irritability, including spastic colon and irritable bowels.


  1. is a prime factor in digestion.

  2. is a prime factor in controlling blood cholesterol.

  3. coats your nerve ends – the reason that a deficiency causes jumpiness and nervousness.

  4. deficiencies, as with calcium, cause irritability and an inability to sleep.

  5. without balanced magnesium, certain calcium-based kidney stones form.

  6. calcium, taken alone, will tend to withdraw magnesium from your blood to “balance” the calcium, creating further deficiencies.

We took all these factors into account when we formulated our Instant CalMag-C so we formulated it with the correct pH balance to allow for maximum absorption. That’s why we called it Instant CalMag-C. It fizzes for a reason. In combining with magnesium, the calcium molecules shed particles and so become smaller so they can be absorbed into your blood stream.

Taste was an important factor and we get a lot of compliments from our customers who have compared it to the taste of other similar preparations and this makes us confident of our taste superiority.

* pH is an abbreviation for the "power of the concentration of the Hydrogen ion" present in a solution. It is expressed as a number on a scale of degrees of pH, from 0 to 14. The pH scale indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, which is an indicator of the number of hydrogen atoms present. A pH of 7 is neutral, a pH of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution, and a pH greater than 7 indicates an alkaline solution.

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