Why Do The Best Race Horses Come From Kentucky?
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
Why DO the Best Race Horses Come From Kentucky?
It’s because the soil in Kentucky is high in phosphorus and low in calcium. Seriously. There’s an imbalance of calcium to phosphorus. That means you have horses that are wired and rearing to get out those starting gates and down the track!
Cattle raised in Wisconsin are easy-going and relaxed. That’s because the soil around Wisconsin is high in calcium and low in phosphorus – both the Kentucky and Wisconsin soils are imbalanced. Breeders in Kentucky don’t raise contented cattle but race horses – nervous, jumpy race horses.
Because the soil is high in phosphorus and low in calcium you get high energy horses. They can’t relax and that’s what you want in a race horse. Pretty hyperactive. Maybe the breeders don’t even know what it is that makes the race horses better from Kentucky but they breed ’em there because it works.
If they took that same horse up to Wisconsin, it would quieten down – wouldn’t be much of a race horse. That’s because he would be getting too much calcium in relation to phosphorus, which would calm him down. Probably the people who live in Wisconsin are more relaxed and easy-going than those from other parts of the USA.
So, if you’re jumpy or nervous, you need calcium. If you’re lacking energy, fatigued or worn-out all the time, could be
Next time you see your kids – or anyone else for that matter – running around like jumpy, nervous race horses, know that they’re getting too much phosphorus and they need calcium to balance up, along with magnesium.
Of course, phosphorus is an important part of your diet too and your body needs it but the junk foods have far too much in relation to the calcium and you have to maintain the balance.
Any inability to relax and unwind is a sign that there is a calcium and magnesium deficiency. That includes an inability to fall asleep which is, after all, just an inability to relax.
Calcium Needs Magnesium: In order for your body to absorb calcium, it needs to be accompanied by its partner, magnesium, in a balanced ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium.
Calcium contracts your muscles while magnesium relaxes them and that’s a simple explanation of what these two minerals do.
Calcium and Magnesium Need Vitamin C: As both calcium and magnesium are alkaline, they need some kind of acid before they can be absorbed. Failing to have this combination can lead to increased deficiencies of calcium and/or magnesium or the calcium depositing in joints (arthritis) or kidneys (stones). You can use apple cider vinegar too but vitamin C is usually a more practical and better-tasting solution.
Why Instant CalMag-C Works: Instant CalMag-C has been formulated in a 2:1 blend of calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate (proper balance) with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can actually absorb the calcium and magnesium. This is very important.
It is made with boiling water and this is very important as calcium particles are large and the chemical reaction
Disclaimer: Please note that we are not doctors. Should you have any illness or disease, please refer to your medical practitioner for the advice. The only advice we give is purely educational but we do also recommend that you find yourself a practitioner who understands nutrition in relation to disease.