Exercise and Weight Loss Cause Enough Pain to Stop All Efforts… But, Why?
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
Is the pain and discomfort that seems to come with exercise and weight loss necessary?
Losing weight, exercising, getting in shape, slimming down, these all have one thing in common, summed up in a phrase that everybody seems to know inherently:
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And, with a large percentage of hopefuls giving up within the first few weeks of a fitness regimen, this phrase would make much more sense than the usual assumptions.
After all, are laziness or lack of “willpower” logical explanations? Are people just lazy and weak, by and large?
Sheer intention to accomplish goals is one of the greatest motivators. But, let’s face it, pain can be an even more powerful one.
So, why does something so “healthy” have to be so painful? Do we really have to fight this hard for it?
Regardless of what the “school of hard knocks” contends, it is not true when it comes to weight loss and exercise.
Understanding the body, its needs, functions and purposes, you can yet have a pain-free, successful run of it.
Let’s look at why and how.
Did you have pain coming to you in the first place?
Before you understand pain, you need to understand its possible sources. You also need to know how to interpret its meaning. It is not itself a condition.
Pain is a signal. It is a warning sign. It is something that is at the end of a relay of events, not at the starting line.
Even in a direct-impact injury, the injury itself preceded any pain felt in the area. This gets commonly overlooked but is an important lesson in cause and effect.
There is always a cause.
Pain is an effect.
Soreness, tight muscles, aches, discomfort and the like are all symptoms of something. They are not the “something” themselves.
But are weight loss and exercise causes of pain?
At first glance it may seem obvious they are.
But then there is the fact that not everyone who loses weight or exercises suffers. If these activities were the true cause of pain and discomfort, clearly everyone would suffer.
So what of those who do suffer? The answer lies back of the exercise, earlier in time, to imbalances within the body.
In other words, the exercise may be triggering a problem you already have, or causing a new problem that’s causing the pain, again, the pain being secondary.
In either case, there are measures that can be taken. And here is your shot at a more successful go of your weight and fitness goals.
2 Reasons for the Pain
When it comes to fitness and weight loss, pain you feel can have two main sources. It can be one or the other or even both!
Primarily, and most commonly, various body imbalances play a major role. As you have been accumulating structural imbalances since birth (a very traumatic occurrence to the basic human frame), these lay dormant as a “weakness” just waiting for the right environmental trigger.
Such triggers do not even have to be accidents. They can be everyday activities. Structural imbalances exploit whatever weaknesses there are. This is predisposition at its core.
Further, imbalances can be nutritional. Depleted electrolyte minerals and faulty general nutrition can also lay one open to adverse effects.
Secondarily, you have a more clear and present cause, whereby the exercise or weight loss activity themselves are contributing to the discomfort.
This is what is referred to as “detox” in many circles.
When you exercise or change your diet, often times the body is forced to detox. This process alone can be painful, but even more relevant is the fact that minerals in the body become depleted.
So, even if you had pretty decent nutrition going in, the fitness activity may be depleting it and creating a need for supplementation. In other words, you may need to up your game.
What are the key minerals you lose when you detox?
Is it any surprise that calcium and magnesium are at the top of the list?
Calcium is one of the most powerful pain-killers known while magnesium is essential for relaxation, two functions necessary to an effective, pain-free workout or diet.
This is a classic no-brainer, but in absence of understanding of body function, it can all seem very mysterious and confusing.
How to work out and lose weight with minimal discomfort…
The plan is simple.
Going in, isolate and understand the possible structural and nutritional imbalances. This can be the matter of simply spotting posture issues (structural imbalance symptoms) or deficiencies in the diet (nutritional imbalance).
Next would be a look at the physical and nutritional regimens on which you are about to embark to predict any possible complications, either from irritating imbalances you already may have, or creating new ones through the exercise or nutritional change.
In either case, supplementing calcium and magnesium can be a key factor. For these are the foremost-depleted minerals and have the most devastating effects in their deficiency.
How to get calcium and magnesium, absorbed and utilized… FAST!
When it comes to the body’s natural process and requirements for the instant absorption and use of these two vital minerals, Instant CalMag-C is a no-brainer. It is formulated exactly as the body needs it and is not only prepared instantly, it is utilized almost immediately.
When deficient in these minerals, supplementation can alter the levels of pain and discomfort, especially when it comes to symptoms of detox. Many of those deficient have reported some instantaneous effects.
Assess your fitness or weight loss goals and regimen today and see if Instant CalMag-C may be a fit for you. You may get fit after all, with a minimum of pain or discomfort.
And, where there’s no pain, it’s ALL GAIN!